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About Me

In my previous existence I was a scientist now I use these skills to provide a technical background to my passion for tango. Being a tango DJ , like dancing the tango is a never ending learning process. The more one penetrates into the world of tango the more there is to find and enjoy.

My preference is for a milonga is the TTVTTM pattern using music from late 20's to later 40's.  I  play music that is good to dance to using the tanda structure and sequence of tandas to provide an interesting and enjoyable milonga. I prefer responding/suggesting to the dancers rather than use a fixed playlist.

my other work in music (link)

chris stubbs tango DJ

I while back I decided I wanted to understand the music and culture of tango more deeply. One the ways to do this is to become a tango DJ. To do this one has to penetrate into the music, the orchestras, the lyrics, the singers, musicians etc in a different way than one does in the dance. The two however reinforce each other which is the primary reason for being involved as a DJ - to learn more about tango and to improve in the dance. There is also a technical side to DJing - this is a separate and enjoyable challenge. (I have a large collection of music and my own PA equipment sufficient for most milonga halls)

My philosophy is to present the music to the dancers in the same way a "leader" presents a suggestion to a "follower" (both awkward terms!). My goal is to be  to be sensitive to the dancers but not to dictate to them the music, rather to have an exchange of possibilities. This means being flexible as the milonga progresses, to change path if necessary. For me the music for the milonga presented by the DJ should itself be an artist creation not a mere backdrop.

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